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Poole and District Alcoholics Anonymous Intergroup


Public Information Officer


The Public Information Officer is responsible for ensuring that information about the Alcoholics Anonymous message and programme of recovery is conveyed to outside organisations to the best possible advantage. 

Email the PILO on


Probation Liaison Officer


The Probation Liaison Officer offers assistance to the Probation services in respect to offering advice, information and support to probationers who have entered the criminal justice system because of an alcohol problem. The main object of liaising with the Probation Services is to carry the message that AA exists, and that its members are freely available to help those who have got into trouble under the Criminal Justice System because of their drinking.



Armed Services Liaison Officer


The Armed Forces Liaison Officer is responsible for the communication with the Armed Forces. The Armed Forces Liaison Officer is generally an ex service personnel and would be happy to offer any assistance or information that AA can provide in respect to armed service men or women with alcohol problems.


Telephone Service Liaison Officer 


The Telephone Liaison Officer co-ordinates the working of the Telephone Service which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to offer advice and information to those suffering with alcohol problems and anyone who would like more information about alcoholism. 

Email the Telephone Service Liaison Officer on


Electronic Communications Liaison Officer


The Electronics Liaison Officer is responsible for the Poole and District AA Intergroup website and relevant communications. Duties include keeping meeting details up to date on the website and including any information of interest to members of the fellowship in the Poole and District Area.​

Contact the ECLO on


Prisons Liaison Officer 


The Prison Liaison Officer co-ordinates and communicates with prison authorities and prison groups in order to offer information and advice to those professionals that work within the prison system with those who have drinking problems.

Contact the Prison Liaison Officer on


Employment Liaison Officer 


The Employment Liaison Officer co-ordinates and communicates with employers and their employees in order to offer information and guidance as to how AA can help; not only employers with colleagues who have a drink problem but also employees who have a drink problem.

Contact the Employment Liaison Officer on


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